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Monday 3rd June- 8th July


For Beginners to Experienced.


These classes are live and are run from Tredington Village Hall GL20 7BP, on the Stoke Orchard Rd. near Tewkesbury, Cheltenham and Gloucester. They are run in 6 week terms.


Perfect for those just starting out or getting back into painting or for those who want the space and support to develop their skills.


You will learn how to mix colours and use watercolour  techniques such as masking, scraping, glazing and more. You will also learn to turn your sketches into paintings.

You will be supported by a professional artist and teacher who will guide you through each part of the process.


Cost: £98 per term plus £10 per term for materials, if you choose to do so.

*Payment for materials can be made by selecting 'Materials Fee' (Most students prefer to do this as everything from paper and pencils to all paints is provided and it means they can focus on the lesson. All students are offered a list of materials they may like to purchase if they want to continue their journey at home etc. )

Summer Term - Monday Watercolour Class: 3rd June - 8th July

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